My Reflection on Creating an HTML Website and using Github and creating an identical Wordpress Website

I started learning how to code in HTML about 6 weeks ago for my Digit100 class, This is the product of what I have learned, I also created a WordPress website that resembles this one. When it comes to coding a website there are a lot of new challenges, learning the language, learning all the commands, and than it comes to figuring out the more important stuff how to make things pop to a viewer's eye etc, It isn't easy to accomplish. I would say coding for HTML I used Oxygen XML editor and it was fairly easy once you understood the launch, compared to Wordpress where you can enter the same code but in all its much more focused on guided design and makes it difficult sometimes to get things how you want them to be. I prefer to be able to code my way and not have something guiding me. When it comes to challenges using both websites, the layout options on an HTML code are obviously alot more easier to size and move around compared to WordPress, but WordPress makes it easy to add captions, alt text, and more to the image to help you describe it to your viewers compared to basic code where you have to make a bunch of changes just to get a small caption. The skills needed for this I would say are just following basic guidelines to understand the language and learn how HTML works. using other websites for ideas to help brainstorm how you want yours to look and overall just having a feel for how website development works. I have previous years of website design using, which gave me a good forefront for design which led me to learn how websites are built. Here a link to my previous website I've created I would suggest using a helpful guide like a WordPress or a Weebly before you go off on your own and start coding a HTML file. When it comes to what I want to improve, there's a lot, overall though I'm pleased with how this website came out. I want to mainly improve on making so the website isn't so bland and add elements behind the text like images that pop/stand out. I would also like to be able to learn how to develop a 3 line menu button on the side that can lead to a directory of multiple things.

Overall This website design took a copious amount of time but when you produce something you're happy with it makes it feel so much better. The design factor from 2 different elements has opened my eyes to see there are multiple ways to make websites but they are all linked under the HTML language. The skills needed won't take that long to start something basic. Just take your time and you will get there!

Wordpress website link

Schuschus Site by Jonathon Schuschu is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal