About Me

Work Experience

Starting off with my Work Experience, my first job was as a Cashier at Wegmans.


Wegmans 2019-2022: As a cashier i learned many skills including cash handling, incredible customer service, use of POS systems, I worked as Knowledge based server (KBS) aswell where I learned food handling and food saftey rules.

Wegmans Logo

Click on the Wegmans logo to look at the Wegmans careers website and learn more info.

Best Buy: Geek Squad

Geek Squad 2022-Current: I currently work for Best Buy in Geek Squad as a consultation agent, ive learned many skills through Geeksquad, mainly technological skills including Hardware Troubleshooting, Software Knowledge and Mobile Devices.

Geek Squad Logo

Click on the Best buy and Geek Squad logo to learn more info.


Here is a list of the schools i went to.

  • St George Catholic School - 2007-2017.

  • Mercyhurst Prep Logo
  • Mercyhurst Prepatory School - 2017-2021.

  • Mercyhurst Logo
  • Mercyhurst University - Studied Cybersecuirty and Data Science 2021-2023.

  • Penn State Logo
  • Penn State Behrend: Currently Studying Managment Information Systems 2024-Current.

My Hobbies

One my main Hobbies is Gaming, I grew up playing video games on a family computer and now I currenlty play on one I built myself.

My personal computer

This is the PC I built.

I enjoy travelling alot, I dont get to do it often but when I do its always a grand time.

Picture of the last trip i was on

This picutre was taken inside "Other World" its in Colombus Ohio

My next planned trip is for Las Vegas Nevada!

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Schuschus Site by Jonathon Schuschu is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal